I once heard a wise man say “I don’t know what God is, but I know what God isn’t”.

The term “God” has lost its value over time due to misuse and abuse, but any reasonable cognizant being can agree that something can’t come from nothing; this is proven by mathematics. A person seeking enlightenment might ask: “How did I get here, wherever this is?” The best response I had for quite some time is, the sum total of all our experiences take place within the infinite mind of God. As I began to seek more clarity, I discovered my eternal nature, discovering that we are immortal spiritual beings who create forms and illusions in order to experience individuality. We have the ability to dream our own separate dreams, but as we wake up, we find ourselves as part of a collective dream in which each mind plays a role in creation. There is an underlying symmetry and oneness to all that exists. Nothing can exist outside of the ALL, or else the ALL wouldn’t be the ALL, would it? It’d be the ALL, plus this shit over here. For need of a better term, we can refer to “God” as the Source of ALL Things.

Imperceptibility does not equate to nonexistence. Some things cannot be observed; they can only be felt. A tooth cannot bite itself; it can only bite objects. An eye cannot look at itself, although it can view reflections of itself, which is what we are to the Source anyways, but my intention is to juxtapose objectivity and subjectivity. An eye can only view objects; it can’t look at itself directly; and this is analogous to Go — I mean the Source. Here already, we are able to attempt to describe the Source through what we are already able to discern from our own experience. In order for the Source to know ALL aspects of itself, it seems to have quantified itself into individual forms. How this feat was achieved is indeterminable, because the God-Source is the one substance that is absolutely self-existent, needing no other conceptions besides Itself to render It complete and intelligible.

The Source of ALL Things is comprehensible only through its attributes: thought and extension. Extension and thought combine to form an endless variety of aspects, or modes. The mind of mankind is one of the modes of infinite thought; the body of mankind is one of the modes of infinite extension. The Universe itself contains an inherent power in the form of an incalculable number of (seemingly) separate and all-sufficient units. It is composed of an infinite number of (seemingly!) separate monadic entities, unfolding spontaneously through the objectification of innate active qualities. God-Source is the First Monad, the one Causeless Cause.

The divine bio-mechanism that God-Source uses to [collect and regulate all perceptions] is called the Mind. It is through this filter that we experience sensitivity, space, time, quality, relativity, modality and causation. Identification with the Mind can cause the delusional belief in the separateness of ALL Things. The Mind seeks to preserve itself. When unconditional love (oneness) is present, the Mind is diminished and we begin realize our true nature that precedes thought. The Mind seeks reward but love is motiveless. The Mind seeks to gain; love seeks to give.

The externalization of life, the manifestation of matter and individuation of identity are holographic projections of consciousness, created through an intrinsic order of energetic relationships. Nothing is truly solid! All things are composed of consciousness; their apparent solidity is determined by the relationship between the consciousness that is observing the form and the consciousness of which the form is made (kind of like a dream). The only difference between a thought and a manifest thing is the frequency of the consciousness of the observer. Manifest (physical) reality is thought projection, made solid and externalized by relationships between the frequency of our focus of attention and the frequencies of the projected thought forms. Reality is a thought field, composed of units of consciousness awareness. Reality and thought are of the same substance, therefore reality can be directly affected by your thoughts.

The key to mastery of our present reality and to restoring the imprint for health is understanding the reality of [dimensionalization] within which our consciousness now resides. The human body itself is a holographic projection of consciousness that is built upon a holographic template that we call DNA. To affect true and lasting change within the Body-Mind-Spirit system of the human being, one must go to the core of its manifest structure, the thought-energy blueprint, upon which the entire system of consciousness comes to know being.

A being acting from a standpoint of separation has lost some or all of its ability to draw sustenance from the Primal Life Force currents of God-Source; it therefore feels compelled to feed off of other life forms in order to survive.

In a rather abrupt conclusion, I leave you with a metaphor to consider:

The Source of ALL Things is akin to an infinite mirror that broke up into multiple pieces inside forms. Each fragment, in spite of its partiality, is able to reflect the completeness of the Whole. All the parts of this mirror must be reintegrated so that the transcendent primeval Mirror could be unified again into a higher dimension, thanks to the experience acquired by each fragment in its conquest of the Universe.

These are, the Secrets of the Flytrap, and now they are yours as well.