The synthesis of all available knowledge will lead mankind to salvation. The disestablishment of belief systems that conflict with the laws that govern the universe will lead man to a life unbound by death. Few researchers have successfully integrated the metaphysical assertions of Eastern culture and the biological discoveries of the perfunctory laboratories of the west, but Deepak Chopra and Rudolph Tanzi have melded the discoveries of both hemispheres rather successfully. Super Brain does its best to allude to truths that are virtually self-evident, while simultaneously debunking neurological myths and teaching readers about the dynamics and capabilities of their vehicle of consciousness, the brain. As we observe ever more closely, we will be sure to arrive at conclusions that help us move into alignment with the natural vibrations of the Earth and possibly help us discover the source of all consciousness, typically referred to as God.

In order to learn the truth about something, one must discard all preconceived notions. A cup’s emptiness is what makes it useful; similarly, if you are able to clear your mind of old beliefs that may impede the learning process, you may be filled the light of true knowledge. In centuries past, men identified with their bodies and their name, as many do today. However, when we simply bring our awareness to the fact that our thoughts are creating our reality, we realize that there is more to our being than the physical aspects. Our physical bodies are simply vehicles conditioned to be able to function on this dense, physical plane of existence. All the body does is help to manifest the thoughts of the higher self. For instance, when we want to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, we have to think about it first; the thoughts precede the action. Once the thought has been accepted, we use our inherent mental and spiritual powers to animate the body and serve our will, thus manifesting the reality where we have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to eat. Furthermore, NIKE started off as an idea in a guy’s mind and it now has a significant impact on Earth life each day. Neuroscientists and physicists continue to have no answer for where ideas come from; they are unable to pinpoint the origin of consciousness in the brain. Those scientists simply fail to account for the fact that the mind is creating matter, including the projection of our physical bodies.

What is meant by the term projection is that the brain receives the sensory input of our bodies and processes it, then it projects that information into our field of reality and we perceive that projection on the back end. If we consider the fact that the brain, protected by the skull and epidermis, has never physically come in contact with a single photon, yet the world around us appears to be lit up, we began to see the illusory nature of physical reality. Experience is often the best teacher, and our brain evolves based on our perceptions of our experience. Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa, who has conducted extensive empirical research on dreams, provides evidence that our brain reacts to dreams in virtually the same manner that it does during waking consciousness. Perhaps our dream world and our allegedly real world are of a similar substance. Perhaps reality and thoughts are of the same substance, and therefore, reality can be directly affected by thoughts. Would this not explain such phenomena such as telepathy and telekinesis? What if two brains could send and receive sensory information to one another with subtlety, as we have accomplished with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technologies? Even if an individual is skeptical about the existence of such phenomena, consider the precept: the cause of any idea must have at least as much reality as the content of the idea itself.

Chopra and Tanzi also explain that only a considerably small area of cerebral cortex is necessary for consciousness to solve problems and transmute information. They also observed that neurons compensate for missing axonal or dendrite connections by attaching to nearby synapses and creating new highways for neurotransmitters to travel, a phenomenon known as compensatory regeneration. Super Brain assures us that neuroplasticity happens gradually each day as we live our lives. The brain constantly receives feedback from the reality field that connects us all, the same field that allows for spoken word to be transmitted from the speaker’s mouth through the air in the form of acoustic vibrations that later get converted into electrical signals that travel down the auditory canals and are ultimately decoded by the brain. Each word spoken is a new possibility. This field of consciousness is where we project our realities and have experiences, where we live the collective dream, and science has no knowledge of its bounds. Perhaps the outer space and silence are an externalization of inner space and inner silence, which are apparently the creative womb of our existence.

The bottom line is, mind creates matter, and the two are inherently connected, as is everything that exists in reality. There is an old maxim that I have become fond of and often use as a mantra on my search for wholeness: God is All that is, and nothing can be separate from the All; otherwise, the All wouldn’t be the fucking All, would it? Another universal law is that every effect has its cause. Sin is caused by the illusory belief that we are separate from God, disconnected from All that is. Forgiveness/unconditional love is what proves that sin has no effect, making it a false cause. Perhaps we are finite minds having our existence within the infinite mind of God, each individualized mind having its own subjective experience in order to gain perspective and evolve, ever striving towards absolution. Thank you, for considering these thoughts, generated by a super brain.